was lovely last Christmas
hugs amid a snow storm
face so bright and caring
mind in such good form
sharp, as bright as a pin
enjoying tinsel and pies,
no hint of grief to come,
warmth yet in grey eyes
change, a new confusion
not sure of time or day,
struggled finding words,
shopping, lost her way
I know his face, where...?
why cant I remember?
what am I afraid of...?
what is she doing...?
not the mood we knew,
tempers, novel tantrums,
my heart sinks, warnings
of the horror that numbs
where did I want to go?
that is not my body...
who is that in the mirror?
concentration tested,
doctor nods his head,
mam asks no questions,
fearful thoughts unsaid
I know his face, who is he?
who is that in the mirror?
withdrawn and anxious,
sobbing for no reason,
moping, oblivious to the
festivities of the season
who is that in the mirror?
brought bed downstairs,
regret she'll not mend,
thank God, knows not
how her agony will end