It was the best of years It was the worst of years (2020)
Liverpool won the cup…
In an empty stadium
And stadiums of souls around the world
Ascended into heaven
It was the best of years
It was the worst of years
Vaccines were produced at break neck speed
And lies disseminated to stop people taking what they need
Heath workers went the extra mile
Risking life and limb
Applauded by million with a loud din
It was the best and worst of years…
The shops closed
But we realised we had more inside
Loved ones to hold closer
But many out of reach
The elderly discarded
A price put on life
The economy first
And the ventilator for you
It was the best of years
It was the worst of years
Selfishness and ignorance ran through the land…
Masks not worn in denial of another person’s right to breath
Whilst others did all they could to protect themselves and others,
Spending time feeding the fallen at the food bank
It was the best of years
It was the worst of years
But when this is over, let us not pollute the air with hatred
Or spill our bile into the veins of the earth.
Let us keep what is precious you, me and protect this world
Because 2021 could be the best of years
David R Mellor
Fri 1st Jan 2021 10:54
Thanks Stephen for your comments and best wishes for the new year