New Year's Morning, 2021
I rise at dawn and softly spread the curtains
To watch the pale sun rising over rooftops.
The early sky is beautiful:
Long, low clouds in light and shadow,
A palette of pinks and blues
From softest rose to deep purple.
Birds circle the dark, twisting trees.
Magpies sweep to the top for best lookout;
Pigeons bumble for a sturdy perch
Close to the trunk;
Tiny tits dart into the low mesh of twigs;
And all turn to the East
Lifting their breasts to The Sun,
Spreading their wings
For the first warmth of daylight.
It is an intimate, radiant moment.
I draw the curtains closed
And cuddle back into bed
With delight in my Soul
More warming than my duvet.
The New Year has been blessed.
Cynthia Buell Thomas, 2021
Red Brick Keshner
Wed 1st Jan 2025 04:08
Happy New Year 2025!