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insomnia hallucinated ranted proverbs

This burnout comedown downhill fall
of language's bell curve
into bottomless monochromatic sunsets
    of hollow dialogue
descends deeper into broken telephone
mistranslated tarnished transcriptions
plummeting peoplekind towards the
cave-based basic base-place
of grunts, groans and monotone single syllable slurs.

Blackboard scratching white bread phrases
and pleasantries so devoid of emotion it couldn't
  or wouldn't pass the psychopath test   
even splashed in putrid yellow emoji assistance and
    Houdini landline escape tricks
that cut through chains of icebox mannequin expressions 
into voice-box breaking punching bags
emptying the sands of single page vocabulary cheat-sheets.

Tattered words shaking tambourines to bongo drum circles
playing Beethoven in flat tone-deaf
eardrum rupturing MP3 cellphone recorded ringtones
of please-murder-meme and tik tok lip sync referencing
in deadpan bedpan spilling sound quality.

Bygone days of bard penned plays exhausting dictionaries
who were left to invent words and sayings
or poets who had known the language in a biblical sense
birthing rearranged makeovers
to phrases in tones of angelic harp solos
accompanying orchestras conducted
    by the creator himself.

Stuck in a real time reality of white house
crayon playpen written sniffling speeches
and brain cell muggings
by grunts in floppy haired ignorance
on Downing Street -

          have me so downbeat and depressed
that I haven't slept in a week
with flashback visions of academy expulsion,
I sit in stitched curtain bedrooms of darkness
and scribble my insomnia hallucinated ranted proverbs
in satirical cynical mumble-jumble on java scripts
  and digital lampposts
searching for my lost hope.

Shipwrecked onto the coast of comment section intellectualism 
and unknown disingenuous prompted engagements
with indigenous cold-shouldered chatroom natives,
I pray for a Santa Maria outcome
of getting lost and finding paradise.


◄ ∀ sunset // ∃ sunrise

post-modern schizophrenia ►


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