Millay, Millay
Millay, Millay,
I saw you clad in your colourless plaid dress,
Ambling about those three islands in a fantastical bay,
The ones you spoke about when poetry found its renascence
Through your hands, which fed elegiac suns
Their share of glint and gold dust.
Millay, Millay,
I like to believe that the pigments of your dress escaped,
Only to seep into the roots of freedom and unfiltered moxie,
Roots which bore atop rainbow foothills
Apples and pears aplenty,
Through summer fever and winter chills.
Millay, Millay,
The room is full of you
Vases, roses, sweet foliage-
Your essence lingers in all colours and hues.
You were a woman’s woman, and that of a man too;
Of people who smudge their leaves evermore in blue.
Shifa Maqba
Thu 4th Feb 2021 01:46
Thank you Aviva, Paul, Adam, Stephen A. and Stephen G. for your lovely roses!