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Life roads

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We all have different life roads,

we all think which one to choose,

some choose their road and crawl it,

they have no wish to fly.thinking it's a wit.

It's hard for them to learn the truth of life,

such people go with the tide

and fear like a hare living in a form with fright;

their feelings and soul are hidden,

they are always afraid to be bitten;

they take life as a boring groove,

it's so difficult for them to move.

Some people think that happiness -

living in a golden cage.

They speak with rage about freedom;

the golden cage is their stage.

In relation to some of those who get freedom:

they fuss, they dash about,

don't know what to do with it

and their life also becomes a rut,

they step on their own foot.

May be Shakespeare's famous words were true

"Life is a stage, and we are all actors".

We all have entrances and our exits,

we take them as facts and persist.

But I would like to sing a song for those

who were not afraid to fall

but did everything in their power,

strained themselves in the utmost.

They had enough courage and strength

to get up and go on up the hill,

having their greatest will

they can surely pay for their life bill.

The science of life is so complicated

and only by God it can be rated.

But the roads of life are all self created.

Larisa R(Odessa, Ukraine)


◄ From the bottom of my heart

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