March 4th
Glowing blue sky without a cloud
50 degree F or so
Greeted me and the brown pitbull
I said out loud, March third,
and it looks like Spring is springing--
Bird song was louder, and hope
was in the air
Flakes of icy precipitation with a slate sky
25 degrees
the sound of pellets against my jacket
accosted me today
It is my custom to audibly say the date
When I take the dog out first thing
March third lent itself to bold hope
I spoke the words March fourth in our hearing
March fourth wants me to hide in the house
What a change from yesterday, March fourth
My mind focused, March fourth, I smiled
Hopefulness issued from the blue-framed sun
of yesterday
Sad impatience tried to paint my mind by the weather,
Until I said to myself, March fourth twenty-twenty-one
A play on words occurred to me
The news has been bleak, more so than the weather
It seeps in like icy fingers to grip the heart
How easy to shirk from this pandemic world
Political sparring matches and warmongering,
A bleak house is a good description of this world
But today is March fourth, and I choose
to march forth,
Keeping calm, carrying on
& trusting God
Yes, I will march forth knowing
God and I are unbreakable
no matter the conditions
©--Limericist 2021