A well-received recent birthday gift was a collection of poems chosen by Clive James in a book of the above
title. The author was signing off on a distinguished career that managed a perfect balance of literary
intellect and wry humour that made (and makes) his writing so appealing. The book also contains comments
about each poem selected by him plus advice on giving public performances of poetry. All in all, a highly
recommended farewell to a life well lived.
You may not agree with all of his choices but the result taken as a whole is surely a very worthwhile
wave of farewell from a hugely talented and much missed creative spirit.
M.C. Newberry
Wed 17th Mar 2021 14:53
LK - have done so, thanks. Mr Atkins had a noteworthy career of his own.
SG - Absolutely. He was always worth watching and listening to - as well as reading! A polymath like Stephen Fry.