Father's fell in the ages of stones ,
Then I was given names by companions .
In me there grew a pain none could see ,
As I watched back in the days ,
Others were bought Christmas gifts ,
While I sat back ,with burning wishes
I recall slowly ,the path itself was a war
With that little hope I grew, daily.
Everyday storms would sneak in the little shelter that Momma gave us
I watched as she swam in pains and coldness with love protecting us her cubs
Ohh dear Mommy ,indeed love was only you
I knew nothing of bread and beacon ,
That steak and burger were all I wished to taste,
But my wishes died a painful death .
As I watched the children from neighborhood jollying at the corners of my streets
Wearing joy with warmth of seeing their dear Dads ascending from Jozi
I came from nothing
The very same place I was born ,
Where the richest played kings
And us the poor watched with grieve
That same place I was raised ,
But in return it swallowed my grandparents so is my uncle
Do you know that pain endured ,
I watched families vanish with deaths unknown
But nothing I could do afterall .
The pains of pains was watching my mom stolen away from me
But I was toddler then
I carried the pain by heart
But I made my self a solemn
To never back down no matter what
Kevin T.S. Tan
Sat 27th Mar 2021 11:49
I'm sorry for your traumas. For everyone's traumas. And my role in them, if there's any. I even pray for the extra-terrestrials....