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Sons and Lovers



The horny-handed sons of toil

Roll up their sleeves and till the soil.

They function as a perfect foil

For lovers, hidden in the trees,

Who cool with pleasure in the breeze,

In huddles which nobody sees.


They wander later back to home,

Each one tired from their labours;

Here they will subsist as neighbours,

Friends, dispensing valued favours,

Gossips, sneaks and late-night ravers.

These roles change only when they roam.


◄ Third Wave in Europe

Unmade ►


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 30th Mar 2021 16:54

Thank you, John. Yes, I have had a go at most of these roles, with varying degrees of success, or none at all, which is not always a bad thing, given their nature. And thanks to everyone for the likes. It means a lot.

I suppose the title of this poem is a bit facile but I hope that its heart is in the right place.

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John Coopey

Mon 29th Mar 2021 22:03

We are all of these at various times.

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