A call out to the cosmos
Let me know where you want to meet and l will b there, with all my heart to give when I I love it is always unconditional 100% I promise to never lie to you all I ask for is the same I am truly one of a kind a when to my twin soul mate there will be no stopping us leading by example unconditional love compassion and forgiveness bring in erra of peace on the earth the real leaders this planet needs i need to know my partner is In 100% true unconditional love real selflessness a heart with no fear but does not judge a single soul. our thoughts create our reality so we can clear any negativity of the past and create a world love compassion to achieve this we must forgive not just others but our selves so we can be the best version of our selves for each other and when we achieve that the whole cosmos will see buy our example of love and selflessness and we will create a world of peace where there no need for nonsense political government who try to instil fear with false pandemic lies because we will lead by example with no fear unconditional I mean real unconditional love compassion because we have already forgivin every soul in the cosmos by forgiving our selves real unity conciousness let's do this.