Fast spreading - corona
Fast spread-New stain Corona
Wednesday,21st April 2021
Everything has been pushed back in the corner
there are no fewer unfortunates and poor
we don't hear about poverty
people talk about human and humanity
the pandemic has made no difference
rich and poor equal chance
not even medicine or vaccine gives protection
everybody shares the same concern
it is the biggest crime to waste vaccine
its role can't be defined
everybody must take it enthusiastically
it certainly provides an immunity shield practically
it has reached a dangerous level
but we can forestall
its march ahead alarmingly
by observing social distance and using mask daily
the new stain is fast-spreading
and threatening
the lives of citizens
this is adding big concern
let us observe true silence
without making hue and cry and seize the chance
to avail every opportunity for vaccination
this is the need of the nation
Dr Hasmukh Mehta