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For anyone who is missing a loved one, especially a beloved pet x


I hope there’s a heaven for horses, 
where the meadows are deep, lush and sweet,
with a shady spot under the oak trees, 
for old friends to nuzzle and meet.

The nights will always be balmy,   
with star-studded dark moleskin skies,
and mornings wake cool, still and gentle,
‘til the sun rises soft by and by.

The green sward will sweep up the valley 
and stretch to an infinite view,
where wildflowers bow their heads meekly, 
as bright water streams tumble through.

Close by, the sea laps the shoreline
and the salt tang drifts warm on the air,
and for nought but the sheer joy of motion, 
they’ll kick up their heels and run there.

Yes, I hope there’s a heaven for horses, 
where bird song will rise like a prayer,
and when I am care-worn and weary, 
I’ll lay down my head and rest there.



For Elizabeth ►


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 4th May 2021 15:38

So good to hear from you, Philippa. This is a beautiful and moving poem.

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