The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 12 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

I want to distant you!

 I want to distant you.

It's not because of you but because of me.

I think what's between us is not meant to be.

I don't want our friendship to break into a fight.

So it's better to distant, at least for a while.

It's not easy but I have to,

if not for me then at least for you.


what I am is something you'll not understand.

For it, you don't even have to pretend.

I am complex like a puzzle.

At times I can even be trouble.

But I don't want you to tussle,

though together we can chuckle.

What I say is ironic of what I do.

There was a time when I wanted you to know me too.

Today is a time I am tired of it, 

So I feel it's better to distant not to quit.

You may say let's sit and talk.

"But I am serious," I'll say, wishing I was not.

                                         -Advaita Singh!

{scribbling world: Things were Never Better! (}



◄ Rain, I love this day!!⛈☔

Perplexed Feelings!! ►


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