For long I prayed
A friend true to me
A soulmate eternal
Friendship that's beauty
Two gracious ladies
With long flowing gowns
Stepped forward
Exchanged hellos
After a decade long absence
The two meet again
A perfect time for them
To befriend once and forever
Heart's were pure
Soul's awakened
Now the hellos
were forever
Struggling emotions
A strong pillar for eachother
Strengthening the relation
Helping in divine endeavours
A soulmate can be a true friend
Who uplifts your very presence
Bringing optimism and happiness
Encouraging towards eternal bliss
How indebted to Allah I feel
For blessing me a wonderful friend
Such a one can never be away
No matter what distance stays
Blessing of once in a life time
Never letting go the hand
Our hearts our forever one
So are our lovely souls