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i miss you.

the warm sun reminds me of you.

the way you would hold me, in your big, strong arms.

the way you would call me beautiful, kiss my forehead.

the way you would make me feel safe. 


i miss you.

i miss you, but you don't miss me

that's the issue. we all want what we can't have.

you never think of me, but i constantly think of you.


you were the first guy to truly care for me.

the first guy who respected me.

i was scared of that---scared of being treated right.

you always made sure i was okay.


god. i miss you. i really do.

the way you held my hand and rubbed my thumb.

the way you looked at me as if i was the only girl in the world.

the way you got me things, to show you cared.


i wish i wasn't so messed up, i truly do.

you just didn't understand my past.

what had happened to me before.

it left me with no more.



◄ next door neighbor

i trusted you. ►


Brooke E Addison

Wed 19th May 2021 03:43


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