There's a face I'm searching
In the droplets of rain
A feeling so intense
Fills my heart with love again
How dearly these
showers are welcomed
Hoping some day
I can too join the rain
My heart's melting
In the cool breeze
That I lovingly breathe
In memory of the one I miss dearly
O rain! You have flooded
Within my very veins
All the emotions
That ceased to flow long ago
The music of your songs
Blends with the very beat
Of my lovely loving heart
A downpour of emotional outburst to feel
How each trickle, patter, drops
Envelopes within eachothers arms
A surge of ballet they perform
For an admiring audience me
Can there be any other season
Better than I witness now before me
Cool Winds carrying tiny love showers
To completely drench me
There's a lovely song playing
My soul humming the lyrics
Which with each rainfall
It wrote in memory of llips
Come on and hold me
Let's go the yonder island
Where 4 o'clock showers
Plays with us everyday
O please don't stop tonight
Let this thrill slowly fall and rise
As on my cozy bed I lay Mesmerized
Enjoying this musical show in everyway
Carry on with this Monsoonal display
It's so very enriching and gay
A gleeful me dances to its tunes
And once more I weave my lovely dreams