The unsolved
“The work of the eyes is done. Go now and do the heart-work on the images imprisoned within you.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
Moments of the past do not last
kicked into the long grass
of a warm, early-summer’s day.
Gold petals
for God’s sake!
Stormy-autumn prefigures
flurries of snow
eaten by body heat;
silky snow frosting
tumbling-heaps of red, gold, brown
that crisp-crackle underfoot
in Buchenwald, Weimar,
where Goethe once ruled.
Now old fools lose their threads
in fogs
where pot-heads, fragile, thin,
amply fill the skin they're in.
Mornings echo with savage-silent-dread
memories-lost, storm-tossed within my head
Look! dust-motes float
amongst the dead
like gossamer,
like spiders' webs
glittering in the rain
like words thought, but never said,
misrule-misled, instead.
In the eye of the storm
a moment of calm,
do no harm, and then, do no harm.
Young-ghosts, finally-fled,
in the very heart of the storm,
in my head,
I see chapped, red-raw hands
dirt ingrained
from working the fields
storm-sent, soil-scented winds
blow me back to kingdom-come,
lost-time’s silently beating drum.
John Marks
Fri 4th Jun 2021 17:13
Thank you kindly Ghazala. I am trying to do the heart's work when I write. This poem had its origin in talking to a man who was one of the British soldiers who liberated Buchenwold one of the earliest Nazi death camps, ironically situated near to Weimar,
the epicentre of German culture. It wasn't just Germans who treated Jewish people appallingly. Christianity and Islam have long histories of anti-Jewish hatred. We need to make recompense. John