The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

In Memoriam

entry picture

An unkempt red rose bows
her head among the
dead leaves,
dead plants and
dead flowers. 
While the hot sun scorches dry earth below. 
Fading black text, In Memoriam. 
I listen as birds call and sing 
from behind well maintained green bushes
as smaller creatures walk, 
still breathing, 
surrounded by death. 
3 steps up to your place of rest
sheltered by tall trees. 
Burnt out candles, not a flame to be seen. 
Sharp grey pebbles
barely support my aching footsteps. 
Sitting, crouching awkwardly 
praying on my knees. 
Reading faded words as the
Chitter chatter noise from afar gets closer. 
Yet here, I feel alone with you. 



◄ Can we just be?

The friend I can be ►


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Emer Ni Chorra

Wed 7th Jul 2021 08:02

Thank you, Keith. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this. ?

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keith jeffries

Tue 6th Jul 2021 23:27


This poem has that special quality to take the reader where he or she wants to be, to mourn and remember. Written with mindful skill.

Thank you for this


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