The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Walk With Me A While

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Walk with me a while, we have much to discuss,
Beneath the gentle rustle of the overhanging trees, 
Before our weighty burdens drive us to our knees, 
Let us set aside this moment amid the fears and fuss, 
True enough, I have walked this path more frequently than you, 
And know its twists and turns so well I could do it with closed eyes,
But therein lies the problem, which should come as no surprise, 
Familiarity could leave me thinking, “Only my way is true,”
And true enough, the track I’ve carved lays well worn beneath my feet, 
And if you choose to follow it, you’ll move at greater pace, 
But by doing so, we’ll both end up in the same place, 
When my journey ends and yours lies incomplete, 
And this may well be what you are destined to do, 
Only you and you alone are able to decide, 
Only you know your true will and the strength of your stride, 
And my way, though well worn, may not be right for you, 
For yours is the whole world, in all its glory, 
And your path may be one which you can only carve alone, 
But if that’s true, just be sure to make your path your own, 
A record of your way and tribute to your story, 
Soon the time will come when I must stop to rest,
And ease my weary bones of the weight that they have born, 
The last dappled meadow of a trail so well worn, 
I hope that it is rich and green, and with sunlight it is blessed, 
And if you choose to visit, Know that you’ll always belong, 
You will always be welcomed warmly in that place, 
And may the breeze be ever gentle and the sun light your face,
Enjoy this quiet space, but don’t stay too long, 
It doesn’t do to dwell upon the, “What if's,” and the, “Why for's,”
Your path moves on from mine, and that’s entirely right,
You must walk coming days and the long dark night,
For only in this way, can your path be truly yours. 



◄ Fear

Wings ►


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Jason Bayliss

Sun 25th Jul 2021 18:52

Thanks Keith, in all our lives comes a time to hand over the baton and let the next runner take over. And whilst I'm not quite there yet, it got me to thinking about what I'd say to my boys.

J. x

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keith jeffries

Sun 25th Jul 2021 18:48

A poem with much to think about. Where we go and the destiny which awaits us.

Thank you for this

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