Everyone’s got a mask,
Some have few, others have many.
Masks of different emotions and attitudes,
Masks that seem so real and bonafide.
Even I’ve got a few masks,
Which I often wear.
I wear them cause I’m scared
From the penetralia of my heart.
I’m scared to let anyone know
The real me.
I fear if I’ll ever be accepted,
Included, and understood rightly.
Thus, I wear masks which
Meet their expectations.
Yes, it is indeed suffocating
Inside those masks,
But I can’t let anyone,
Shatter me into infinite pieces again.
Others may have their own
Reasons or motives to wear
Their masks too.
Yet, I wish we all had the
Courage to drop our masks.
That one fine time when everyone
Is nothing less than real, and
Let the strings of life
Play melodies with
No disguise.