Sealed Units
next door they've got new windows
all triple-glazed for noise and heat
hermetically sealed against society
frost and storms designed to beat
yet other enemies will get through
invisible demons with wings of fire
on those panes reflections of one
mountainous molten funeral pyre
coming round but I'll never be right
lungs crackling like broken glass
legs potent as ripped-off daffodils
of late envisaging a funeral mass
haunted recall of an airtight ward
what I dreamed and what was real
stained-glass lancet of phantoms;
did the nurse really give me a feel?
my stately greyhound watches me
loving etched in his noble muzzle
wondering why I deny him walks
I cannot explain his canine puzzle
at my casement, at bay, I watch a
fat milk-man, skate-boards, litter,
this old stuff no longer important,
if I'm not very careful I'll get bitter
if only we had not divorced so soon
for I could do with her here just now
our rows made the mullions rattle,
I wish I'd not called her a silly cow
instead, I rely on my dog's discretion
but he whines at the questions I ask.
his hunter's eyes glaze over as I pose
the query; why didn't I wear a mask?