I never cried
I never cried
I persevered often in the darkest rooms of despair
Alone I drew upon an unknown resilience of strength
Determined to overcome and survive against all odds
Yet the abyss crept into view as a temptress of seduction
I sat without emotion on the edge of emptiness
In a sea of misery I fell forward into the chasm
Which waited like an open grave to engulf me
Consumed with self loathing and pity
I clutched to what I could not see wondering why
A randon branch, a jagged rock held me in abeyance
What was I struggling for, where was there any hope
Was I a coward afraid to die, to admit defeat
Perhaps I held on for the reason of simple endurance
During a few dark times I fell and caught myself
My eyes were bloodshot, my face sunken and gaunt
I wretched violently but nothing came
I wanted to expel the bile which polluted me
I was the victim of self inflicted hate aroused by others
Unable to communicate I called out in prayer
I contemplated suicide, a headlong dash or a few pills
to a waitng grave in a place where there is no return
I never cried
Graham Sherwood
Thu 26th Aug 2021 22:59
Keith, if you can stare into the abyss and then walk away, there is always hope. Words are always stronger medication for most issues. Keep writing!