A Fountain of Eternal Hope
A Fountain of Eternal Hope
Compassion emerges from the ashes of hatred
The ruins of destruction provide stones to rebuild
From the graves of those who have died flowers grow
Out of war the seeds of peace sprout forth
Nothing really dies or is lost, only absent for a while
Discord, animosity and violence sow reconciliation
The innocent perish to flourish again as the star dust of memories
Born dead they are born again in a better place
Those crippled or deformed will be made perfect
What is lost as hopeless is rejuvenated to succeed
In a cycle of pain and confusion, healing and beauty rekindled
We cannot see this now, maybe only the occasional glimpse
But all will be held and restored to its native home and origins
Lord Kelvin Masilela
Tue 5th Oct 2021 22:31
Nothing is ever lost, I like this... If all efforts fail one that works better than motivation is hope... When all is lost hope keeps you standing for better
This inspirational to my life, it does get better at some point no matter what hell I am in?