Hold my hand and let us escape
Don’t look around, just wear your cape
There is so much to see in the outer world
No need to stay at home all curled
Beautiful greenery and the sound of ducks
Focus properly and hear my tender words
Children running and adults socialising
The lockdown is over, this is hardly surprising
Let’s dance in the park or sing in the woods
Make this quiet place into a lively neighbourhood
No thinking, just living each moment to the fullest
Not letting anyone control and fire their bullet
Watch the birds fly above the blue sky
The sun beams glimmering so high
Tall trees swaying in the cool breeze
Enjoy every minute and put your mind at ease
An escape is sometimes all we need
Foot off the accelerator to reduce the speed
Giving our bodies and mind a good break
Imagine the difference that would make!
Stephen Gospage
Sun 10th Oct 2021 17:31
Great concluding verse!