15 Curses of Caleb
- Inevitably a smile
A happening of fascination
The affected refrain from spilling out
- Judge quickly, it is a curse
The affected begins to ponder
Thoughts begin to hurt
- The affected seek more
A common voice is only common
As long as the affected recollects his words
- Converse, seemingly, indefinitely
He is certainly joyous
You are then infected, he
He feels to be yours
- You fear something worse
The feeling of potentially losing him
Down deep in your core
- But based off the confidence in which he speaks
The starlight in his eyes
is certainly what you need
- But God, something is strange
He is happy without talking to you, the affected
In one or two days
- You must ask then, what is the future?
A question deemed only solvable by him
He tells of rare hope, but less of the truth
- Imagine, could he truly be him without you?
But you will continue to worry and guess
- Any refraction of absence puts pain in your chest
The affected may not be their best
To him, they will never be their best
- Nights are just a little bit darker
The pain you feel lasts a little bit longer
Reach out again
- This time he cites a world without friends
You are merely an object
One contributing to his end
- My God, you find you do not exist in his end
My God, he narrates the future in that same voice
- Space becomes all which you see
Obsidian black
Infested with sounds of the sea: crashes
- In a panicked retreat
You quickly fall back into light
Finally, you can see your feet
- Each day is a dawn, then
Multiple deep facets of you are resolved then, and unassociated
But you still cannot forget about him.