Paer One: Stasis to Statues
The elaborate craft finally reached the green pastures of Mercury where even the Trees day-d
ream of leaving the Great White Soul at the Centre it cracks streaks that one Love
you lost you could smell the scent of
Saturn dripping from her skin her light
eyes like rodent holes bones blessed badly
she directs the craft her ghostly thoughts but I command the Planet
On the surface now as if we have always been here her apparition detects pariahs Pharaoh-llike the natives had no defence against us
there was violence
but it is never the way you think boiled snails rarely attempt escape set up camp
weird arrows flew our hours dammed
my search for sustenance in thick soil mind over mind
third day arises no darkness on this side
of Mercury that Physical Source above
never lessens but forever forces fire
finally I found a Path in the shadowed fields where once there were springs a great bowl
of dust it leaps when kicked slinks shy
lizards anomalous among Earthings limbed
beings with a single eye slinked alright in
infinite 8 or is it
9 I hardly know ye
the camp now a station on the move moving more roving without horizon
I move like an old blonde dog lumbering
building various Temples and one just for
me where I honour my primordial Source
without the prying of the awakened dead with the best intentions eg…mass shooters also thought it best and the World Grid burned unaccompliced returned stateless to where odd flowers bloom cruelly in hope
that the One Who Is will Will their desires His Body long since broken by the motions
the fluid-dwellers crucify all hearts creations of their own bored bare
did the numbers and by right we should be
dead already but 13 you beaut 9 knows the Planets love us more than we know and we found food and fury
breaks the link between spite and guilt she
did not die but left all went with her I wished her all the best and supplies were
exchanged estranged within days my
camp now all to myself Sol beamed
a Being slathering strange waters we call
light Light is the air your pours drink
emotions are the devils that get you and
Asteroth has nothing to do with this
Pleasant disquiet in the striding light
the heat makes all thoughts crispy dry
I can't see their camp from here her memory gory as small g gods she demands
sacrifice bread and silver at first
then it escalates bloodletting becomes
normality amid billboards explaining extinction in bright colours I close my
eyes seek the many stars in there of which
the One sends without compensation my
station flourishes the flowers all wise
awake to a human brain here on Mercury
mind is all and All is Mind
Eris visits her Palace of pain an apple banished by discord thrives again over there where I am blind blind blind
Sol antics admonish us our presence
slowly over time my worship of the Nameless One not an iota of the Image
and her across the green plains of Mercury
with gilded liquid
iron it made mad stains on the statues
careless need for every beating aorta red
everywhere and not an animal or infant in
sight Eris since left
the flare enflamed my cycles washed my
filth away gave me words to know to
love to know sharing is daring in a dark
place and the sudden sheath of the Sun burned her sins and kissed my head
my camp is now a station sanctified as
months pass new faces pass and pass
the pastures remain but the forests are crying the trees screaming sap for sapiens
I greet new souls as best I can with what
I have learned to love first Love later this
time a beast with both lobes strobing
Thank God there are no mirrors here
I want the creature I have cultivated all
to myselves