The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

An encounter with the past

I remember being told to,
'You can do nothing'.
A memory that came like a flood,
Only this morning.
I pass by several faces,
That I've been seeing for years.
But today I saw one,
That reminded me of the days of tears.
When the people I relied on,
Pointed fingers at me.
When I was mocked and laughed at,
And what I really was, no one could see.
The times when people told me,
I didn't fit in with them.
The moments when they nagged me,
And left me in a state of mental mayhem.
Today I stood in front of the mirror,
Where there was a girl smiling at me.
I saw some happiness and some satisfaction in those eyes,
And that's when realisation struck me.
The lack of those I wanted as friends,
Did it really weaken me?
An encounter with the past it was,
That made me embrace god's decision graciously.



Believe in Yourselftrusting God's lovefaithpastpeopletoxic friendships

◄ Where beauty lies??

A tryst with self ►


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