Crucial test
Crucial test
Wednesday,1st December 2021
Let the whole world turn against
I shall do my best
and face the life's crucial test
and leave rest to an almighty
to take care and make me happy
why should I wonder?
and not dare
to scale the highest mountain
and remain
on the top to maintain the zeal
even if my dreams are not real
I shall love to deal
and make feel
they are to be filled
with my steel will
if life doesn't want to smile at
I shall not budge from walking miles
let it be blocked by hurdles
or pose me to struggle
I shall not mind it as an individual
nothing puzzles
but makes me struggle
as a living entity
for the cause of humanity
and survive with an integrity
Dr Hasmukh Mehta
D.Litt, Folt
World poet laureate
© Hasmukh A. Mehta