The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Reality of Partner Dependency

He just keeps pushing your buttons 

He was delusional to have thought that “reset” would fix everything and erase the past

He thought that all I needed was a “reboot” since we’re all a little broken and out of sort

But in reality, I wasn’t able to power on anymore

He used to be my shoulder to cry on

My safety blanket 

But then I dreaded waking up next to him

He used to wipe my tears and eventually my cries became bothersome to him

I remember him holding me when times were rough and I remember embracing him without ever wanting to leave his side

But those feelings soon faded when all I ever wanted to do was hit him

For making me feel unloved, useless, unworthy, invisible, unappreciated, ugly, and so much more under the stars

We used to laugh hysterically until our chests hurt

My chest pains nowadays but I believe that’s my heart trying to leap on out to search for a new owner

It called bullshit on its current living situation in my chest I guess


◄ Just Breathe

One Year, Daddy ►


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