My wish-Happy new year
My wish -Happy new year
Thursday, 30th December 2021
What shall be my wish?
What shall be the words to finish?
I know nothing about the entire world?
some unknown fears unfold!
"Wish all, Happy new year day" my conscious is told
this must come from all
rise and become tall
no disgrace when faces a fall
let everybody have a resolve to scale walls
let march be continuous without being stalled
Let the human race mushroom
and allow them a room
to witness blossom
speak with wisdom
and chaos witnessed seldom
no sight of war
only peace and hatred sent very far
no one suffers for the lack of safety
food to all and shelter for everybody
This is the only wish and I pray to an almighty
Dr Hasmukh Mehta
D.Litt, Folt
World poet laureate
© Hasmukh A. Mehta