Mistaken man -God
Mistaken man-God
Thursday, January 6, 2022
6:13 PM
I have an answer
if you want to take it hereafter
No one has seen it this before
Whoever has raised this question, he has always suffered?
Take the first instance of your birth?
Your breath in this beautiful world!
Find the thousands of insects in a few hours!
this shall remove your fears
You are insignificant soul
Who calls upon!
a person to show his presence
and talk at a conference
you don't believe in religion
you spread hatred in the regions
you don't ever regard His existence as a human being
and try to bring an offense
Trust your conscience
and draw an inference
you need no answer
when you feel holier than the holy
If you feel that life is a bubble?
and you are made to struggle
take yourself as single leaf
who has nothing in the command to get relief?
Dr Hasmukh Mehta
D.Litt, Folt
World poet laureate
© Hasmukh A. Mehta