For The Great Mover
lumps of clay facilitate reality
nothing is that is not
who Moves the Earth?
blocks of space thick invisible
portions of what is
a crunched sun dead on
arrival no death Moves
that is not pushed
we are the blocks between airs
atoms attempt to clarify emptiness: there is none
death step-dancing to
the symphonic tones of orbits
Life is
erratic strings of static like
electric elastic
Who Moves Life?
kealan coady
Fri 21st Jan 2022 20:34
Keith I'm eternally grateful for your comments and interest in my poetry. It means more than you know.
Anyway, yes it's Dylan Thomas' The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower.
I 100% believe there is a Creator because I've seen through this fake reality many times. Thanks again for your consideration.