Eternal Full Moon
Eternal Full Moon
Fitful angels, squirming, frought with red, burned demons caught, by fishermen drawing final breaths from Arctic seas. A catch once wild and free, culled fatefully, finally, crept up behind angry, wasted, fragile habitat left hungry. Waste disposal plastic, Armagedon’s Moon- still full. Ocean fills all space across the globe, without trace of Life once bestowed. Legacy of man’s deceit, leaving one hollow receipt: A chaos, now beyond reproach from earth’s defeat.
All the rest of time - Man’s currency - unknown by Earth’s design- rhymes no season’s change. Back, before the dawn of man: Collision forces Life: Eternal Truth. Universal Love: Permanent Rainbow. Notation: Music from a black hole. Chemical drip: Ocean coloured sky. Revolving cascade: Compassion. Realisation: Spiritual
Life; Truth; Soul, Peace; Hope; Love:
Nirvana: Eternal Full moon.