The New Czar
The New Czar
Have we not been here before
thrown against the evils of war
Dictators are back as ever before
who act in defiance of the law
They care not for life nor limb
but act according to their whim
They lie, deceive and cheat us all
as people die beneath a smokey pall
Dictators are the serpents of evil
and care not who or what they kill
To stamp on their head is the only way
to eradicate them and their evil sway
Stand on their tail and they will bite
and randomly destroy all in sight
To kill them their head must be crushed
and only then will they be finally hushed
keith jeffries
Sat 26th Feb 2022 20:18
MC thank you for your like. Ghazala thank you for your kind comment. Kevin, you understand me perfectly. When I wrote this poem I thought of Count Von Stauffenberg who attempted to kill Hitler in the hope of changing the direction of the war at that time. Any form of fighting involves death and suffering. My aim is to go for the top clique and eliminate them. Or perhaps ask them to do the fighting and let the people be bystanders. Kevin, as you say there are no winners, only losers.