Mad chase
Mad chase
Thursday,3rd Mar 2022
No madness
for money chase
that erases your existence
and makes you tense
initial days are tiresome
it is a burden for some
and enjoyment for many
this is the worst part of the humanity
you are hand to mouth
and not able to take a calm breath
it is simply a faith
to work hard till death
the wealth is accumulated
its storage is calculated
they think "old age may bring happiness"
and provide an easy access
the children are provided all the comforts
and they report
it as the status of richness
and face no such difficulties
time passes on and the children go away
for the bright future and stay there
By not looking back at the parents
their absence makes them feel frustrated
now the time has come to realize the fruit
old age has approached and doesn't suit them
they feel lonely and look back with remorse
they regret and feel like a spent force
they have enough time to look back
and develop a mental crack
everything is before their eyes
to analyze how futile attempt was theirs to try for wealth
Dr Hasmukh Mehta
D. Litt, Folt
World poet laureate
© Hasmukh A. Mehta