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The Epitome of Evil

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you must think we were born yesterday
a charade of saving a country from evil
lies to your people and the world
you send your young men to die in vain
but not a Nazi in sight
just the bombing of innocent people
children dead, blood on your hands
a theatre, school, a nursery
a baby just 23 days old

your people can see right through you
afraid of democracy you arrest your own
you could have done great things for your nation
now you rule a pariah state
you know your plan is doomed 
you expected a heroes welcome
but you underestimated the passion of the people
unlike theirs, your army's heart is beaten

you tarnish the great name of those who defeated the real enemy in 45
you have no care for how many die
but the tide will turn when the body bags come home
turn and take your troops with you
you terrorist, you war criminal
this is nothing short of genocide

a little girl sings 'Let it go' from the bomb shelter 
you keep dropping the bombs, sickening
in the eyes of such innocence 
what an inspiration you aren't 

hang your head in shame
I refuse to even utter your name

Jeff Dawson March 2022


◄ The Angler


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Jeff Dawson

Tue 22nd Mar 2022 14:22

Thanks Greg, I'm sickened by it all 😞 thanks Martin great to see you at Stockport mate 😃

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Martin Elder

Tue 22nd Mar 2022 10:03

Excellent Jeff. I particularly like the last line. Love it.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 22nd Mar 2022 06:26

Well said, Jeff.

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