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In the Silence

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The cars outside my window

Rumble to and from places

Without a care in the world


The children scream out Mehmet’s name

To come out to play

And when he does

Their little faces light up  


In Mariupol there is just silence

A bird sarcastically chirps

A dog sniffs round

But there is nothing to eat


The rumble of tanks has gone

The screams have died down

Rockets lighting up the sky have faded



No one


Just bullet holes ripped into a playground



◄ Mourning…

You Will Pay for This ►


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David R Mellor

Wed 6th Apr 2022 06:22

thanks a lot Stephen and i think we do

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David R Mellor

Wed 6th Apr 2022 06:20

Thank you Gregg, sometimes we just feel compelled

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 5th Apr 2022 18:05

Another impressive poem, David. This situation is horrible, but I think we have a duty to speak out.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 5th Apr 2022 15:09

Fine poem, David. I wish you hadn't had to write it.

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