There's a shadow-hid, ravenous tiger around.
At least an untamed beast to be wary of.
Walled and fenced enclosures are made
to blunt a sharp wind. Rarely will they admit
this roaring danger. Encounters with monsters
are feared, and so, obstacles litter a free path.
That kid rolling down a grassy slope
has all he needs. There is no America.
No warm nor cold- no Goldilocks anxiety.
And no poetry while there are no words
clear as mud.
That's when he meets his nascent tiger.
The light on the spur on an beetle's leg
is the light on the back of a swift porpoise.
The crescent moon sways in a feline eye
new born and bell bright. Is the secret kept?
There is no telling.
Let the hum and off-beat clatter resume.