Where's Queen?
Queen popping round
"It's Jubilee, Son"
6 years old
Street party
The like I'd never seen
Dried up sandwiches
with curled up edges
Homemade Cake!
Homemade Pies!
Rhubarb with sugar dip
Penny chews & lollies
& pear drops & sherdet
"It's sher -Bet"
Where's Queen?
"Missed the bus"
Mmmm jelly
In my belly
Naughty beer!
Big hairs!
Aunties laughing
Neighbours dancing
Uncles singing…
Ears ringing
Slurring Dads
Wobbly Mams
Sloppy kisses
Hugs galore!
From those here no more
Lucky dips
Lemonade pop
Rum punch
Ooooh rum punch!
Taste like pop
Just have a bit more
Wobbly floor…
Just a bit more
Fobbly woor
Hust a lit door
Gobbly for
Cust adit blor
"What you drinking!?"
plop plop
"Aw, bloody hell"
Plip, plop, plippy plop
"Eeee is 'e drunk?"
Hares sQueeen?
"Come on!"
Sick, sick
"Don't you da…"
End of Jooobly for me!
Dog shave ar spacious cream 👑
Hangover No 1: 6 years old!
Stephen Atkinson
Tue 31st May 2022 19:20
Thank you Keith, I just missed out on that one 😄
And Carol, glad it made you laugh. Can't remember my parents laughing that much though 🤣
And Stephen, yes I still remember that hangover!
And thanks for the likes! 🌈🥴