A Psychiatric Disorder
I done me best when I was let
Oh yes I did: whistle-blowin, liftin' the lid
I think I always knowed it'd go wrong
Nuffin fer a laugh, nuffin fer a song.
A hundred seas could separate you
From me, our sea of troubles,
Fear death by drownin'
The old queen said.
On one in a thousand years of nights
Parcel me up and remove me from sight
The cubby-hole under the stairs
Was for wettin the bed:
I banged and banged me head
Orphan I was.
All me life I been lived among 'em
Now they are becoming loathed to me.
In bed I am alone and wet, like a sea
I dunno wot th'bastard did t'me
I loathe their mean cosy love o'money
Greed rushes out of their small souls.
Lazy leaks the body plumb.
For all that glitters
Is freezin' fuckin' cold
The very thing
She wears a ring
Of fire
It directly
In the water.
The gaps in the very earth
Listen to that
Study that rhyme
Air-conditioned living
Is easy to sell
the tinkle
of a bell in hell
So rare a spirit speaks
To the criminally insane
Toads and cats conspire
And nothing is the same.