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The Lakes Have Eyes

The Lakes Have Eyes

Ferrari nails dug into Dogwood bark as August curled in,

And eyes mirrored the lake beyond the petals carried with a cooling wind.

Her favorite spot: atop a mica wall,

We used to go; we used to sit there and laugh; we thought we’d fall.


There was only one day, prior to autumn before the earth cooled

When the sky grew stressed and pelted us with rain, it was heavy

Though it was a weight in which we trusted

We would hide inside a cove where she recalled the day she met me.

I knew nothing more than the crack of her voice; it was distant thunder

How her eyes were like lakes or her face was dusted in dirt from underneath the island-

Inside the cove, we looked out into the wild; bears and wild bees and coyotes we’d see each mile.


Kilometers; fifty-three kilometers not counting the route back

She used to yell about the wind and these days I wish that she’d shout back.

The hours have left us, more so you than I.

And although I still search, the stars won’t return;

I’m a long way from home, the one she told me I earned.


I often recall lost friends

when I peer towards the sky

Though I never see their faces

And remember the lakes have eyes.


friendship opportunist genuineBooks adventurefriends of the earthfamily poemeyes paranoid paranoia alienpoet poetry poem hookstreenatureurbanisationsave forestswilderness

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<Deleted User> (33618)

Thu 16th Jun 2022 04:10

A beautiful write. 💗

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