Endless Conflict
Endless Conflict
They are at it again
as we gaze upon the slain
War has once more visited us
and infiltrates itself amongst us
A new dictator emerges
an insidious power surges
Men argue and grapple for power
and take up arms in the tower
Generals say this way follow me
and so the troops do and so will we
Fear and ignorance sieze control
and in man's heart does ache his soul
What is to be achieved when all said and done?
nothing is the answer under the sun
Save countless dead and lives lost
as some bugler plays the last post
Will we ever learn the futility of war?
and raise our voices and say no more
If not we are doomed for more of the same
and all for some cause or a dictator's name
Justice and peace are our bread and butter
not the sound of machine guns which stutter
As we turn our backs on our creator
we pave the way for another dictator