The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Life's like a roller coaster ride

Living takes an astounding amount of courage

Life sometimes feels like a psychedelic trip

Or maybe a roller coaster ride

You can’t control your body’s warning signals

Life throws all these emotions and feelings into thin air

And your goal is to reach out and catch all the positive possible

Allowing all the negative to flee

But what life doesn’t realize is that those negatives are still out and about

Existing, creating chaos, and causing a catastrophe

So, life is feeding everyone that negative energy

And while some individuals accept it

Others opt for the positive energy they caught while playing life’s game

Those who choose to live life with a bad attitude, have accepted life, as it was handed to them

Instead of fighting back and choosing a harmony filled life that is endlessly blooming

Because being a follower is much easier than being a leader

But being a leader is much more fulfilling and enriching

Each and every single individual is capable of making a choice

For some, it is accepting ‘what is’

And for others, it is being curious about ‘what could be’

It does not take courage or strength to live a cookie-cutter life

And follow life’s commands

But what does take heaps of courage is saying ‘yes’ to life

After having to choose to progress or to remain a static individual with no fight in them

Life is always testing us

And life doesn’t want you to fail

But it can sometimes make you feel defeated

Because that’s life signalling to us that changes need to take place

Will you accept life as it comes and allow for the bombs of negativity to be dropped on you?

Or, will you challenge life and accommodate for yourself, your well-being and your worth?

Because life is an everlasting roller coaster ride


◄ One Year, Daddy

Give Peace A Chance ►


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