Poem for an anonymous Moorish Poet on the defeat at Seville November 1248
The Goths want us acquiesce to Christian suzerainty.
They never tell us why we should do so.
And beauty gives light like lamps to one travelling in the dark.
Makes one wake up, notice a spark, a jewel
A pearl from the deeps of a distant ocean
The rarity of dreams: creates a passion
That is large and does not fade
Mine and my lover's;
Her body wracked by childbirth and mine, war;
Christian indifference breaks my heart:
Stars burn in her eyes,
In the depths of night.
Spreads perfume, colour, texture, glaze
All is as summer dictates,
Mirroring my state of mind;
Desire might extinguish me.
Sometimes for a whole lifetime
Often for longer still
The world is sick of Christian hypocrisy-
Heaven knows. We must help each other
Die before the walls fall.