The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

The risen soul (revisited)

"With every fall my soul did rise" this poem was written long back in 2010. I was experiencing lots of turmoil, tests and tribulations back then. But my belief, faith, hope and trust in Allah kept me going. Believing in Allah didn't mean I'll have no more storms in life, rather The Belief in Almighty only gave me courage and motivation in every downfall.


I'm reposting this poem with a few stanzas added to in BOLD with a new title. I feel it's apt to express the same thoughts with a refined version of mindset and courage.


I hope after another decade or so, I'll be able to add a few more stanzas to it depending upon the version of me I'd be by then. Hope you'll enjoy reading this piece as much as I enjoyed refining and reposting it with additions made to it.


With every fall, my soul did rise!!!


With every fall in life the soul did rise

The heights attained of everlasting bliss

To reside in the house of lord the creator

The soul to convene its holy endeavor

With every prick in life the heart did soften

Crying sorrows of pain suffered by others

Beautifying the soul and making it gentle

Achieving the tasks of a monk in a temple

With every whip the body grew stronger

Pain to flow with blood dripping wound

Healing the injuries with balm eternal

Anointing the soul to everlasting bliss

With every harm came a happy ending

Leaving smiles born within glorious depths

Of mind, heart and soul that ever exist

Into pastures of heaven a peaceful bliss

With every fall my soul did rise

With every fall my soul did rise..................................!!!!!!


The soul's journey so far has been one of tests 

with every fall, I kept looking for Hand of Allah 

I knew he's nearer than anyone around me

and it's only Him who guide, help and support me 


with every set back, I had reasons to give up 

But Allah kept me going fast and strong 

never let me Giving up on life nor on Him 

Teaching me best of life skills 


With every heartache, my soul literally broke 

into uncountable pieces that couldn't be put back together 

But miracles aren't any new thing for me 

and here I'm penning down another beautiful miraculous journey


with every abuse hurled upon me, my soul became weak 

I lost my confidence and almost was on a verge to delete 

the noor of Allah kept Shining upon my heart and me 

Putting my pieces back together, making me a beauty to see 


With every betrayal, my soul was confounded and perplexed 

trying to understand how humans who are awakened still reflect 

Learning a lesson of reliance only on almighty Allah to keep 

for none other than him could nourish my soul with food heavenly


With every fall in life my soul attained happiness and peace 

the fall was only a superficial happening 

Internally my soul was always rising and attaining heights of success 

people kept waiting for my life to end, but Allah had marvelous plans


with every rise of my soul my life became easy 

the ease was internal that only I could see and feel 

I didn't care what others did say or wrote about me 

for my soul was busy in holy endeavours of perfecting my soul's beauty 


◄ Closeness to Allah

A better bargain ►


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