Now Pains the Builder
Now Pains the Builder
We have giants here, Men, Women,
whose stature and experience make them tall
as old Oaks,
the struggle to find a sole worthy
of walking this ancient world, incomprehensible.
As tall as Oaks whose branch would filter
Sunlight – their scope of life, from bricky to nurse,
beyond a measure we now persist be a box
of identification.
This World now sits as audience
to those felt a necessity to pain,
yet pain is all the elders know here -
not wanting to partake in the glory of kill.
As tall as trees with roots that go
in equal measure below this now facile
theirs is a pain we do not know
as each hearse passes by in a wood grab,
‘(so too, where are our elderly)?’
It is not safe to stay here,
it is not safe to call yourself free,
it is not safe to be family here
as their features are written in grief.
Michael J Waite. 16th September 2022. For Tony, Lorraine, Ritchie and all at The Newmarket – Inverness.