Low hung ample apples of the sun
On the tree of knowledge. Right next to me.
Enough for you, enough for me.
Extends my irresolution.
I need to hear the crashing of the sea
to believe in me
to mercilessly set me free from these unghosted unknown
unknowns that hover on this edge
of consciousness, always out of reach,
the sublime sublimity,
of that extra sensory perception
of what we are always without, lacking
the courage to face the hydra-headed beast
and track my two-faced self
through the nightmare-dream of unfettered existence
to explore what appears, or seems.
John Marks
Sat 15th Oct 2022 19:43
Thank you Bethany, you are very kind.
Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why. James A Joyce