The summer of love
Somewhere between these avenues of dereliction straddling the moon and new york city, avoiding the fairground detritus of half-remembered dreams. I awoke, sleeping with her together in her dad's caravan, at the bottom of the garden, amidst the rhubarb where I fell in love.
Smoking joints with red leb scored from placid dealers, drinking orange juice in pubs, astounding the upstanding patrons with our foxy hand woven ways.
In those enchanted days it was good to be alive. Learning to drive, messing about with three-wheelers, scooters, motor bikes.We never thought of death or illness, just enjoyed the haze of the daze. Girls were so startlingly pretty and clever in a different way to us lads. Thinking back makes me sad. I shouldn't do it.
John Marks
Tue 18th Oct 2022 20:17
Bethany, I'll have you know our lass that I have hair a-plenty: ears, nose and head. Thank you Stephen and also thanks due to Clare, Holden & Frederick.
No, the hippies are not gone. Their movement has just become mainstream. If you support the environment, reject racism, sexism, war, are sexually open-minded, and are inherently suspicious of the government, then you're already a hippie - regardless of your fashion sense or how you wear your hair. - Author: Tyler Starry