Lest They Forget
A village Remembrance service.
The same old hymns,
and pacifist sentiment.
Sun streams through
the memorial hall window
so that I can hardly see.
And when we come
to those words
and the bugle plays
and tears are wiped away
that same sun
has gone down, disappeared.
Why did we fight? Maybe
just to defend the British
belief in fair play, in sticking
to the rules, no matter
what you felt. No
high-and-mighty concepts,
no base prejudices.
A refusal to let evil prevail.
Lest newspaper proprietors
and politicians forget.
Lest they forget.
Greg Freeman
Tue 15th Nov 2022 07:55
I've always thought that many Brits' failure to see the benefits of the EU, to appreciate the positive side of unity, was because this country had never been occupied in recent centuries, Steve.